Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Install Remote Assistance and Remote Differential Compression roles:

Logon to ConfigMgr2012 Server , Open Server Manager,Click Features:

Click Add Features,display Select Features page:

Choose .Net Framework 3.5.1 and WCF Activation ,
will display related components needed prompt box :

Click Add Required Role Services and return to Select Features:

Choose Background Intelligent Transfer Service(BITS),
 will display related components needed prompt box :

Click Add Required Role Services and will return to Select Features page :

Choose Remote Assistance and Remote Differential Compression:

Click Next,go to Web Server(IIS) step:

Click Next will display Select Role Services step:

Choose ASP.NET、Windows Authentication、Dynamic Content Compression and IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility items for WSUS 3.0 SP2:

Choose IIS6 WMI Compatibility items for SC2012 ConfigMgr RTM:

Click Next,display Confirm Installation Selections step:

Make sure that all components have been selected to complete , click Install , go to Installation Progress page :

Please wait some minutes,display Installation results page :

Click Close will go to Server Manager homepage:

NOTE : By default, IIS blocks several file extensions and folder locations from access by HTTP or HTTPS communication. If your package source files contain extensions that are blocked in IIS, you must configure the requestFiltering section in the applicationHost.config file on distribution point computers. The following file extensions are used by Configuration Manager for packages and applications. Allow the following file extensions on distribution points:
 -- .TAR
1. Open the applicationHost.config file located in the %Windir%\System32\Inetsrv\Config\ directory , Search for the <requestFiltering> section , determine the file name extensions and folder names that you will have in the packages on this distribution point. For each extension and folder name that you require, perform the following steps:
• If it is listed as a fileExtension element, set the value for allowed to true. For example, if your content contains a file with an .mdb extension, change the line <add fileExtension=".mdb" allowed="false" /> to <add fileExtension=".mdb" allowed="true" />. Allow only the file name extensions required for your content.
• If it is listed as a <hiddenSegments> element, delete the entry that matches the file name extension or folder name from the file. For example, if your content contains a folder with the label of bin, remove the line <add segment=”bin” /> from the file.